Why Not Ask?

A Conversation About Getting More

It is time for people to throw away their preconceived notions about what negotiation is and who it is for.  When people hear the word “negotiate,” their minds jump to board rooms, lawyers, international trade experts, and even hostage negotiators.  It can be intimidating and discouraging, thinking people will believe you to be their enemy, when you are not a villain.  In reality, negotiation is for everyone, and you do it every day whether you realize it or not.

However, a successful negotiation isn’t about winning and triumphing over an enemy. Negotiation is the conversation we have about our relationships, and you can’t “win” a relationship.  Compassion, collaboration, cooperation, and compromise are far more important to find common ground. However, as with any relationship, communication is key.  Asking for what you want is the most important thing, so why not ask?

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 In this book, you’ll discover a simple process for building more successful and profitable business relationships.  The goal of this book is to strip away the theory, the bravado, and the gamesmanship, and guide you through the conversation of negotiation.  Whether you are negotiating with a customer, supplier, employee, or an investor, the lessons contained in SIGN HERE – NEGOTIATION STRATEGIES FOR THE REAL WORLD will help you get there.

Past Articles

The Art Of Negotiation: Asking More For What You Want In Business With Christine McKay